A Study Examining the Association
between Both Past and the Current Family Relationship
and Child’s Family Related Stress in Late Adolescence.

Wakashima,K., Usami,T., Kozuka,T., Itakura,N. & Noguchi,S.
20th Anniversary Conference, International Academy of Family Psychology,
May 13-16, 2010 Callaway Gardens, Pine Mountain, Georgia USA.

     Prior research has indicated that the current disharmonious family relationship have negative impact on child’s adjustment (i.e. Gryth & Fincham, 1990; Caughlin & Malis, 2004). Similarly, there are findings that past family relationship is associated with the current adolescent’s adjustment (i.e. Overbeek et al, 2007). Despite both the current and past family relationship seem to have decisive effect for adolescent adjustment, the empirical research devoted to an understanding of adolescent’s adjustment with concurrent examining the influence from both the current and past family relationship is limited.

The Present Study

     In the present study, we investigated the predicators (target family relationship) for adolescent’s perceived family related stress from both past and the current family relationships. Subsequently, we examined which and what period of the family relationship predicts the target family relationship.

     As measurements for family relationship, we applied two concepts; dyadic cohesiveness and individual power in family.


     Data were drawn from 108 university and vocational school students. Of the participants, 34 were men, and 74 were women. The mean age of the participants was 20.6(SD±3.93)



     Family relationship history we applied Family Relationship History Graph (FRHG) (Wakashima et al, 2009) that each participant draws a graph to measure the successive change of impression for family relationship from 3years of age to the present.

     In the present study, we applied FRHG to assess three dimensions of family relationship; dyadic cohesiveness, each individual power in family, and family related stress.

     In our analyses, we used FRHG data only the period when child’s age is from 3 to 19.


     First, we conducted multiple regression analysis on family related stress. Both the past family relationship and the current family relationship were entered as predicators. (We mentioned the results of multiple regressions only when β was greater than .35.)

     The result showed that adolescent’s perceived family related stress was mainly predicted by the current father-adolescent cohesiveness (β=-.53,P<.001),and the current power of father (β=.38,P<.001). R2 was .23 (P<.001).

    As the current father-adolescent cohesiveness predicted adolescent’s perceived family related stress the most, we subsequently conducted multiple regression analysis on the current father-adolescent cohesiveness. Both the past family relationship and the current family relationship except the current father-child cohesion were entered as predicators.

    The result showed that father-adolescent cohesiveness was predicted by the current mother-adolescent cohesiveness(β=.72,P<.001), the current father’s power (β=.71,P<.001), and mother-adolescent cohesiveness at the child age of 16to18(β=-.66,P<.001). R2 was .78(P<.001).


     Based on the results, we can suggest that whether child feels family related stress could depend on the quality of current father-adolescent relationship in late adolescence. Additionally, the result for second multiple regression showed that mother-child cohesiveness at the child age of 16 to18 negatively predicted the current father-adolescent cohesiveness. The results suggest that strong mother-child bonds at middle adolescence could lead to negative tie between father and child at late adolescence. This type of family relationship could be accompanied with family related stress felt by child at late adolescence.


A Study Examining the Association between Both Past and the Current Family Relationship and Child’s Family Related Stress in Late Adolescence.

     This paper will examine the impact on child perceived family related stress in late adolescence from both past and the current family relationship. The results will be discussed from both cohesiveness between each dyadic family relationship and individual power in father-mother-child triad.